From prior knowledge and history courses, I thoroughly love the idea and accomplishments of the Enlightenment. No other time had come before where people were in a mentality to question everything, challenge everything, to go forth into the unknown. I love this! Religion? Hold on! A king and queen telling colonies what to do? No way! Divine right is a joke, and art is an important thing. I enjoy punk rock. I think punk rock makes something new out of what has come before. It questions ideas and concepts: "the norm" if you will. You take the norm and you add some flavor, something new and unique. It might work and it might not. If it does not, you will fail and learn, pick up your pieces and try again. If it works, and it catches on, it can only get better. Punk rock challenged the tastes, skills, and standards that come before. But maybe the idea of punk rock came from a bunch of people who thought the rules of their society were weird. It came from people who were not afraid to stand outside of their version of "the norm" and demand a little more from it. "We put into you, and maybe we are just following what our parents did and what their parents did before them." No one gets anywhere with that and people had enough. I love this concept and I love what it inspired. Religion, SCIENCE. You mean to tell me there's more out there for us to look at? We can speculate openly and not suffer condemnation and damnation?! People wanted to learn! They wanted to not be in the dark, to take up the tools and find the way themselves.
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