Blog Post 9: Locke, Hume, and the Government
Freedom and government are two terms that stay together in the same hand. Without government we would have no freedom... right? John Locke makes mention of the idea that man under government is "having a standing rule to live by" (3015) Locke argues that due to man's inability to feel safe with their property, they resort to joining a group that lives under the rule of government. Their hopes are that the rule of these people will be enough to keep their property safe: that when alone, they can do very little to deter threats away. Today, this can be seen quite clearly. Unless you are from another country, it is impossible to truly grasp the concept of living without government. Life in the United States is ruled by laws, codes, and government. More often than not, this keeps criminals from breaking the law. The threat of punishment, years lost in a prison cell, or the occasional death penalty. The majority of Americans have no idea w...