Journalism from the 18th Century to Now (Sounds Ambitious but I Promise it is not), technically blog post 7
The question in the prompt for this weeks blog post reads: "Have you noticed a difference in your writing voice when you write for the public vs writing for an assignment dropbox?" My answer is "no", only because I write a dropbox assignment with the idea that my work could potentially be shared with a larger audience than I anticipate (although I doubt any piece of mine has been that good). The next question was about the advancement of the news since the 18th century. The very little "journalism" I do follow today is very simple, which to me is something that older journalism would avoid. My generation has b.s. sites like Buzzfeed or VICE. I hate VICE because their articles are always these trendy/hipster/nonsense like: "I Sat Beside a Vietnamese-North Korean Warlord and Showed Him How to Enjoy the Films of Quentin Tarantino". Of course VICE is not representative of all 21st century news sources, but the trendy stuff aimed at my generat...